Module layout ================= The below figure shows the internal structure of an MCU's communication, and the roles that each portion of source code plays in the system. .. image:: images/softOSI.png :width: 768px :align: center :height: 460px :alt: alternate text Functions ================= Below are basic explanations of each function in the source code by file group. (Singular files are explained under the section entitled *Other files*. Aware files ^^^^^^^^^^^ * ** - setting of the class object variables according to which connection it represents * ** - deletes the connection information from the awareness algorithm's vector * *calcAvgs* - calculates the average value for each data set, and then passes the data on to the *decide function* * *decide* - determines the type of behavior observed from the data provided by *calcAvgs*, and creates a tmp file with the related connection information * *getSets* - adds a new data value to an awareness set in the class object, and records the time of the creation of a new data set * *sameToID* - returns whether or not a supplied character matches the destination ID in the Aware object * *sameFromID* - same as *sameToID*, but with the sender ID TCB files ^^^^^^^^^ TCBmodule files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Timer files ^^^^^^^^^^^ * ** - setting of the class object variables by type * ** - defined but empty * *isExpired* - checks to see if the timer value for the Timer object has expired based on the type of timer it is * *reset* - resets the timer value Other files ================= * ** - establishes a single virtual CAN bus network interface * ** - establishes two virtual CAN bus network interfaces for MitM testing * *keyGen.cpp* - creates a symmetric 256-bit AES to be pre-shared among all devices on the network * *inputbuffer.cpp* - the data-link layer interface that receives messages on the CAN bus that match its assigned ID, and runs parallel to the TCB module * *Makefile* - builds the source code and generates the executables required to run BetterCAN * *MCUin.cpp* - part of the application layer for the MCU, where messages are simply read in after being parsed * *MCUout.cpp* - part of the application layer for the MCU, where the transport and session layer parsers are established * *outputbuffer.cpp* - the data-link layer interface that sends messages on the CAN bus to a specific destination ID, which is only ran when there is a message to send * *SSMaware.cpp* - creates and manages a vector of connections for the awareness algorithm * *SSMstack.cpp/hpp* - creates and manages the data stack where connection data is stored for parsing in the event of a network breach